Title: Olive Lounge Shibuya / Client: Klein Dytham Architecture (Japan) / Time: 1 minutes 56 sec / Format: 4k H264 / Director and Editor: Vincent Hecht / Camera Assistant: Joji Kurosawa / Shooting Time: 0.5 day / Post-production Time: 4 days
Title: The Kita Presentation Video / Client: Westbank Corp (Canada) / Time: 4 minutes / Format: 1920x1080 H264 / Camera Use: RED Dragon 5K / Director and Editor: Vincent Hecht / Director of Photography: Hans Bobanovits / Shooting Time: 3 days / Post-production Time: 2 weeks / Budget: 6000 - 8000 USD
Title: The Avior Presentation Video / Client: Westbank Corp (Canada) / Time: 3 minutes 37 sec / Format: 1920x1080 H264 / Camera Use: RED Dragon 5K / Director and Editor: Vincent Hecht / Director of Photography: Hans Bobanovits / CG Rendering: Hayes Davidson / Shooting Time: 1/2 days / Post-production Time: 2 weeks / Budget: 5000 - 6000 USD (CG rendering excluded)
Title: Ikigai / Client: Opulent Development (Singapore) / Time: 3 minutes 06 sec / Format: 1920x1080 H264 / Camera Use: Sony Alpha7 III / Director and Editor: Vincent Hecht / CG Rendering : VMW / Shooting Time: 1/3 days / Post-production Time: 3 days / Budget: 3000 - 5000 USD (CG rendering excluded)